Frank H. Hereford House, 216 N Main Ave

The description of the Hereford is best described by the researcher Janet Steward

The Mansions of Main Street. Janet Ann Stewart

The Journal of Arizona History  Vol. 20, No. 2 (Summer 1979), pp. 193-222

The Frank Hereford house, next door to the Second Owl’s Club, was the home of one of the city's first families. Frank was born in California and was brought to Tucson at sixteen by his widower father, prominent attorney Benjamin H. Hereford. Tucson for young Frank was a boy's dream. There were horses to ride and, by the simple expedient of playing hooky, he was able to swim in the river or go shooting. On nearby ranches he loved sitting by the campfire at night listening to the "weird choruses sung by the Mexican cowboys." And he never forgot the "drab little Mexican graveyard" where the markers often read, "Unknown," or "Killed by Indians." Young Hereford was educated at the University of the Pacific in San Jose, California, and studied law in his father's Tucson office. He went on to become a distinguished attorney, known as a "gentleman of the old school." He and his wife, Adeline Rockwell of a prosperous Milwaukee family, joined Main Street society and enjoyed its good life. Like their contemporaries, they had advantages that the earlier residents could not have imagined, sending their sons to good schools and to Europe on holiday. "We've bought a Ford and won't return until time for school!" their boys wrote excitedly. It was all a long way from the buckboard ride that brought Atanacia Santa Cruz and her husband Sam Hughes home from their wedding at San Xavier, just a few generations before. The Hereford house, built in 1902, was a simple, dean-cut building with a hip roof and projecting cornice, decorated with the Sullivanesque relief ornament that had become a hallmark of its architect, Henry Trost. The two-story house (at the rear there were three floors) was entered by an intriguing porch of three arches fronting a paneled and glazed door with leaded sidelight panes. The fine leaded windows were repeated throughout the handsome home, especially in the wide front windows. The interior was paneled in dark-stained oak, rising in the large reception hall to a height of six feet. The ground floor, with its severely simple staircase, its south study and conservatory, and its spacious, beamed-and-paneled living room, was undoubtedly one of the most engaging in the city. Reserved yet rich in its profusion of oak trim, the house was restful and simple of line, as much a celebration of the owner as of its architect.